Hi Rob,
Hope this makes sense.
1) Install the arduino IDE and any drivers it requests permission to install
2) We now need to add the sparkfun Board reference.
This adds the ability to program the ProMicro which was made by sparkfun originally.
b) copy and paste the URL below into the "Additional Boards Manager URLs" box
c) click OK
d) quit the Arduino IDE and start it again.
e) Click Tools --> Boards "arduino UNO" --> Boards Manager
f) At the top of menu it says Boards Manager click on that
g) Type "spark" in the search box
h) You need to install "Sparkfun AVR boards"
3) Now we need to add Library for Digital to Analogue Converter
a) Click Sketch --> Include Library --> Manage Libraries
b) type "MCP4725" into the search box
c) Install Adafruit MCP4725 Library - it will ask you to install dependencies.. do it.
3) Now we need to add Library for MIDI
a) Click Sketch --> Include Library --> Manage Libraries
b) type "MIDI Library" into the search box
c) Install "MIDI Library" - it's quite a way down the list written by Francois Best
3) Now we need to add Library for The OLED Display
a) Click Sketch --> Include Library --> Manage Libraries
b) type "U8x" into the search box
c) Install U8g2
4) Now download the sketch from dansfing.uk
a) extract the .ino file from the downloaded zip file.
b) open it with the Arduino IDE
5) Now we need to select the board, we are using a PRO Micro 16MHz 5V
a) Click Tools --> Boards "arduino UNO" --> SparkFun AVR Boards --> SparkFun Pro Micro
b) Next Click Tools --> Processor --> Select The "Atmega32U4 (5V, 16MHz)
6) Now we need to see if the code compiles
a) At the top of the Arduino IDE there is a green Tick.
b) Click on this, it should attempt to turn our code into machine code.
c) If successful it should say "Done" at the bottom of the window.
That means the computer is set up and ready to download our firmware!
Well done if you got through that Rob.