Long Press - Auto Assign Controller
Long Press - SAVE all Settings
Long Press - Manual set CC DOWN
• MIDI Channel Selectable
• can be used a small MIDI monitor
• Invert GATE out
• Save settings to non volitile RAM
• OLED Sleeps after 30 seconds of inactivity
• Assign last Controller heard on MIDI
• No computer required once programmed
• Covers 5 octaves
• Only uses 41% of program storage
• 2 Spare Pins A2 and A3
• Re-Program in circuit, no button to press
• MIDI THRU many units or synths can be chained
Arduino Code Nov 2021
MIDI input amd output uses Type A TRS MIDI Cable
If supply is via USB you get different voltages on different computers and hubs. You can compensate for this but will lose the top notes as your voltage decreases. 4.7v is not 5v. Check the code there are notes to help you adjust.
We have to spend our clock cycles with care.
The flute here
is a Curtis CEM3340 synth I built.
Using the CC out on this board I Used a MIdI controller and DAW to sequence notes and record the filter sweep that made it chirp like a flute.
Text only graphics, I opted for no screen buffer to keep down on overhead, as a result bitmaps or crazy animations are not possible. You could try using the full buffer library and see if it interfears with timing.